Will Power is the biggest campaign in our history to make gifts in Wills a social norm.

Leaving a gift in a Will to charity turns the ordinary Canadian into an extraordinary philanthropist. Yet only 5% of Canadians do this. 

Our goal: move from 5% to 8.5% of Canadians leaving a gift in a Will by 2030, generating $40B for social good!

Through broad-based marketing, the campaign inspires Canadians to consider a gift in their Will, and encourages them to visit willpower.ca for more information. The Will Power website is where charity and advisor partners are featured, and where resources are available for the public to take their next steps.

For more information on the upcoming 2022/2023 campaign, join the upcoming webinar on February 16 at 1:30pm ET

Join our growing community of charities, financial advisors, and legal professionals who are helping to build this movement.

Charity Partners to date
Advisor Partners to date

Join as a Charity Partner

Even 1% of a Will left to charity can result in a truly exceptional gift for your cause. By joining Will Power you benefit from exposure to audiences thinking about gifts in Wills, marketing resources to leverage the campaign and engage donors in new ways, as well as training in the emerging field of gift planning. The deadline to register for the 2022/2023 campaign is May 31, 2022.
Download the Proposal for Charities  Download the Summary of Benefits and Fees 

Join as a Charity Partner

Even 1% of a Will left to charity can result in a truly exceptional gift for your cause.

By joining Will Power you benefit from exposure to audiences thinking about gifts in Wills, marketing resources to leverage the campaign and engage donors in new ways, as well as training in the emerging field of gift planning.

The deadline to register for the 2022/2023 campaign is May 27, 2022.

Join as an Advisor

Financial and legal advisors are key to helping clients realize the power they have to make an extraordinary difference.
By joining Will Power you benefit from exposure to audiences planning their estate and charitable giving, marketing resources to leverage the campaign and engage clients in new ways, as well as training in the emerging field of gift planning.

Questions? Contact Nancy Ho, Campaign Manager, at nho@cagp-acpdp.org